First Of The Season
Yesterday. Quite a surprise to see a Tiger Swallowtail this early. Normally my first sighting is at an apple tree in full bloom a month from now. This one was flitting from one yelllow Daffodil to another. So very glad I just happened to see this one now.
Another Bluebird Day
Another day of watching Bluebirds. Not sure if they are the same couple making plans for their house or another couple looking for a nesting site. And to add to the mystery Chickadees were checking out the house as well. There is another Bluebird house on the other side of the cabin but it’s not…
Pine Cones
A common pine tree around my cabin. Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) with its beautiful pine cones which take 2 years to mature. Its needles grow in bundles, or fascicles, of three. Twisting or straight with a length of 2.5 to 5 inches. A tree that grows to 30 to 50 feet in height with a width…
Pi Day
Made in honor of π Day. A Blueberry Pie made from the berries that grew here at the cabin last summer, put in the freezer, and PRESTO! A pie decorated with daffodils to match the season. _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!
Looking For A House
At lunch today a pair of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) caught my attention as they checked out one of the bluebird houses I have here in the yard. Along with the house, they paid attention to what was being served up at the feeder (their favorite meal worms) and the bird bath (which is filled…
My Little Insect Eater
The Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) eats insects, and spiders, ticks, and millipedes. During the winter they may resort to small fruits and seeds. They’re solitary birds and will only hang around together for a tiny bit during breeding season. Introvert of the bird world. These Phoebes breed in wooded areas where manmade buildings are found.…
Another Day Into Spring
Checking on how spring is progressing today I found just what I had been expecting to see for a few days now. Pushing their way up through the soil, a single bud wrapped in a single leaf. Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) pushing its way up through the first days of spring. Early March up through early…
A Pair Of Downy Woodpeckers
A pair of Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) have been coming to my feeder regularly for quite a while. This image is of the male. The male and female Downy Woodpecker look similar with the exception of the red spot at the back of the male’s head. The female has no red, just black and white.…
Chatterbox Neighbor
A tiny guy that I see and hear every day. It is quite the chatterbox and if I didn’t know better I would think that it was scolding me. But surely that isn’t the case. We’re neighbors after all. It is at the feeder often and every evening it will choose either the bird house…