Erratic Migrants
Purple Finches (Haemorhous purpureus). Male, the colorful one in front, female, the brown and white one to the left, not in focus. I don’t see them often at all. They’re said to be erratic migrants, following the ups and downs of cone crops. A friend and I have discovered that when I see a few…
Hearts To You
Valentine’s Day, perhaps a good day to share with you another of my quilts. A quilt filled with many hearts. A quilt stitched with love. A quilt I made a number of years ago as a gift for my Mom and Dad. It hung over their sofa in the den for many years. My quilts…
A Dusting
What a delight, to wake up this morning and realize that it is snowing. Already a dusting of snow over everything. Pure delight! This picture, snow gets caught in any spot it can, on the bark of a Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana). _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email,…
Rain yesterday and today. Just a bit. In that rain, the marcescent leaves of an American Chestnut (Castanea dentata). Edges like ocean waves. Pure American Chestnut. Surely these trees will get chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica). Until then I will totally enjoy having these trees close to me. _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my…
Winter Frog Fun
Last night it rained. Apparently just the perfect moment for Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). As the rain came down I could hear the happy, “Clack, clack, clack!” They were gathering in my little pond for their breeding parties. The little Wood Frogs growing from tadpoles to reach full development leave my pond as a miniature…
In The Morning Sun
Posing for me as she basks in the warmth of the morning sun. A Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!
Brown Pelican
Nancy, another one for you. This one in Key West. A Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis). I have been extremely impressed with the recovery of the Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). The Brown Pelican is another success story. The use of DDT was banned by the EPA in 1972. In part because of that action Brown Pelicans…
Gathering For MAVEN Launch
They stay on top of the news. They live right there, where the rockets are launched after all. Early that morning they began gathering. Jetty Park. Port Canaveral, Florida. MAVEN. The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution, to be launched November 18, 2013. Entered orbit around Mars September 21, 2014. These just a few of the…
WINTER INSPIRATION. Ice and snow. This image, ice on Winterberry (Ilex verticillata). December 9, 2013. _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to receive my daily blog posts by email, sign up here!
A Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus) is a species of bird that I see just sometimes. Yes, winter, but not every winter. Just sometimes. It’s a bird that from one winter to another is totally unpredictable whether it will migrate into one area or another. This is called an irruptive species. They will pay attention to…