Robins And Cedar Waxwings Hanging Out Together
The past several days I’ve been seeing Robins (Turdus migratorius) and Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) in large flocks visiting my little pond and my birdbath. This is a normal thing to see during the fall and winter, these two species on the lookout for berries and a source of water. Depending on each other to…
Crimson, Emerald Green, And A Touch of Frosted White
The perfect colors for the month of December. Crimson, emerald green and a bit of frosted white. Thrown together with a touch of naranja. Crimson, made up of red bell peppers. Emerald green, expressed with jalapeño peppers. Frosted white up there in the top left corner, in the form of cauliflower. And naranja, sneaking into…
Happy December 2nd
We’re now into day 2, of the month of December. Tasks are swirling around in my head. Overwhelming me a bit. For me, December is a very busy month. Just a couple days ago, for 2 days in a row, the temperature didn’t get up past 40° here. Yes, mighty cold, but to my mind…
Echinacea Hybrid
A photo from long long ago, when I didn’t have the wisdom to stick to native plants in my garden. Despite that, this is a favorite image. An Echinacea hybrid. Those petals such a beautiful warm color, accented by the soft yellow Crab Spider (Thomisidae), who has just captured its dinner. Those Echinacea plants have…
One of two Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata) that have decided there is food for them at the feeder. This one temporarily playing coy for the camera. Unlike the Blue Jay’s normal demeanor of pure raucousness. Birds with beautiful feathers, many shades of blue, are here around my cabin all year long. They certainly are the…
White-breasted Nuthatch Again
It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen one. One feeder, and only one, has been up for just a few weeks. Today though, I was treated to the arrival of one White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). They’re usually permanent residents here. This is the look of a male White-breasted Nuthatch, black, gray, and white. The…
Apple Pie With Green Chiles
It was an apple pie sort of morning. Mighty chilly outside. To say the least. Those apples had been wafting their aroma all around the room ever since they came into the cabin. My favorite for pies, McIntosh apples. Quartered, seeded, peeled, chopped into pieces, filled the waiting pie pan lined with Mom’s pie crust…
Not Berries
In the vegetable garden there’s not much going on right now, except the parsley which is going crazy, enjoying the cold weather. Aside from that, there are what appear to be berries on the asparagus plants. Beautiful, small, perfectly round, scarlet. Though they resemble berries, they are actually seed pods, containing three or four seeds…
The Sapsuckers Are Back
Elation at the cabin this afternoon as I spotted two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius). One took off before I was able to get a photo of both of them together, working on a Flowering Dogwood tree. They’ve returned to their winter home! The one that remained in this image is a female. Working to get…