Partridge Berry
Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens). A gorgeous evergreen trailing vine. Growing just two inches tall, with stems of up to twelve inches long. Though a vine, it doesn’t climb. Buds emerge as pairs. Each pair has ovaries that are fused at the base and will result in just one scarlet berry. Both flowers must be pollinated…
Eastern Calligrapher
The Aromatic Asters (Aster oblongifolius) in my garden are just beginning to show off their soft lavender blooms. Those few flowers have gotten the attention of an Eastern Calligrapher (Toxomerus geminatus). It’s a tiny creature, measuring just 1/4 inch long. Though it looks like a bee or a wasp, it is a fly. It doesn’t…
Meteorological Autumn
It started just over a week ago, and some leaves are playing their part perfectly. Meteorological autumn has begun. Temperatures are cooling. Days, little by little, are getting shorter. Trees of the forest pick up on these signals. They know it’s time to get ready for the cold that will descend upon them. Prepare for…
Woodpecker In Highland County
Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus). One of many birds, that I watched from the front porch of the house we stayed in during our visit to Highland County. The Northern Flicker, along with all other woodpeckers, is in the family Picidae. They have strong bills and most woodpeckers use their bills for drumming and hammering into…
Orange And Red Brushstrokes
A stunning fungus with a hand painted look. Found near a trickling stream in Highland County, near Monterey, Virginia. Amanita jacksonii.
Lost In Time
Away for a few days. Stepping back in time, easily a century. Highland County, Virginia. No McDonald’s. No chain restaurants. No traffic lights. Mountains ubiquitous. Total relaxation. And at the magnificent house where we stayed, many birds, including juvenile Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis).
No, I’ve not lost my marbles. I just think that one cannot ever have enough marbles. Particularly if they are old marbles.
Clean Up Crew
Three Black Vultures, part of Mother Nature’s clean up crew, were here yesterday just checking things out and making a lot of noise. Look closely. There are three there. They were on the roof making thumping noises and on the front steps making sounds like car doors slamming. But they decided it was a false…
When Life Gives You Tomatoes
When life gives you tomatoes, make zesty salsa. That’s Bill’s mantra and I’m so delighted for it.