Poison Ivy In Bloom

Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). Every year, as spring turns to summer and I see the blooms of this plant that makes me itch, just looking at it, I think back to a time when I had no idea that it bloomed. But now I do know, and despite my extreme sensitivity to the urushiol in every part of the plant, I’ve grown to appreciate its role in the woods, its benefit to hungry birds during the winter.

Those blooms with their odd coloring, turn to berries. Like the flowers that don’t get much attention, the berries grow in the woods and don’t get much attention, at least from us humans.

In the bird world, those berries get great attention. An excellent source of food for a long list of birds. This photograph brings back memories of so many woodpeckers stripping the vines of their berries. Here, just three of those woodpeckers, a Pileated Woodpecker, and two Northern Flickers. Though there are only two Flickers in the photograph, where were several others joining in the meal. It was quite an entertaining time for me. And an education. I have much more respect for Poison Ivy now.


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