Summer, and rabbits are seen often. Winter, and the sight of a rabbit is a rare thing. A time to stop and take notice. If you see a rabbit in Virginia, more than likely it is an Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus).

Rabbits don’t hibernate. But during the winter they are most active during dusk and dawn, which might explain why I seldom see them. In order to keep warm they retain a thicker layer of fur, build up a layer of fat, and seek out a burrow that another animal has created. A place to escape to, to keep warm. They change their eating habits during these cold months. Switching from a summer diet of grasses, clover and berries to buds and twigs of bushes and trees, and bark of sumac bushes and trees such as birch, willow, and oaks.

It snowed up here a couple days ago and along with it I got to see two rabbits. Excitement! The whole family stopped what they were doing to catch a glimpse.