A little feathered creature that I see some winters. A bird that is said to be “irruptive,” meaning it depends on the seed supply where it normally spends its winters. In years when the seeds of pine, spruce, and fir trees are not plentiful these birds will venture into areas where they are not normally seen.

The Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) shows up here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of central Virginia every two or three years. I’m always pleased to see them. And their songs and calls bring a smile to my face. They sound like a chuckle, or like the horn of a terribly tiny tin toy car.

While they’re here they will visit my feeders, eating the sunflower seeds, peanuts and suet that is put out. Sometimes I’ll see a Red-breasted Nuthatch going back and forth to the feeders, much more frequently than what I might expect. More than likely this means it is going to a special hiding place, stashing food in crevices in tree bark. Putting the food away for later.

So glad you guys are here and I hope I’ll see you next winter too.
8 responses to “Red-breasted Nuthatch”
Lovely bird. Though, the breast is not-so-much red.
Thanks Anita! And for the name of this cute little bird, I often think that those that name birds ought to consult with some of us before coming up with a name. I think they could have done much better!
Thanks bunches for reading my post.
haha…indeed! and, you’re welcome, it’s my pleasure….I really enjoy your perspective and photos.
Anita, I sure do appreciate that!
One of my favorites! I have seen one in Paradise North along with the larger Nuthatch but it is always a special treat to see this little guy. You’ve captured his/her personality perfectly!
The nuthatches that I see here in Virginia are totally charming with their funny little calls. Wish I’d see the Red-breasted Nuthatches more often but that just means someone else in some other location gets to see them too.
Mom said is was maybe in the 60s in Sugarmill Woods today. As I’m typing this it is 24 and going down. I’m hoping for SNOW in a few days. Enjoy your spot of warmth!

I love your captures. And it’s not just beautiful captures, you identify what it is ! Kudos for all that you do!
Thank you so very much Irston! I really appreciate your kind comments and thank you bunches for reading my blog posts!