Rose-breasted Grosbeak

What a special treat just three years ago when I saw my first Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (Pheucticus ludovicianus). They were migrating through but they took their sweet time giving me great opportunities to observe and admire them. They were wonderful models for me too.

Late April until early May is when they’ve arrived. Three years in a row. Making themselves at home at my feeders where they gobble down sunflower seeds. On their own they eat berries, seeds and insects.

The male outfitted in his striking black and white feathers accented with the brilliant crimson bib.

The female reminding me of my favorite hot fudge sundae with not quite enough hot fudge. I hear they’re in the neighborhood right now but I’ve yet to see any. Hoping I will, before they take off on the rest of their journey to their breeding grounds of northern North America or the mountains of the West.