Silverrod is a perennial, herbacious plant. Its scientific name is Solidago bicolor. “Solidago” in that name means that this plant is in the genus of Goldenrod. There are approximately 150 species of Goldenrod, most of which are native to North America. A few of these are native to Asia and Europe.

This one, Silverrod, was a total surprise to me. I had assumed all Goldenrod are yellow or gold as the name implies. But no. This one is a rebel. The flower heads are actually clusters of many flowers much like the structure of a daisy. There are white ray flowers. These are the only white ray flowers in a flower in the genus Solidago in eastern North America. They surround a number of yellow disk flowers, in total creating that very subtle light yellow color. Silverrod is blooming right now, in the higher elevations of my mountain. Slow hiking brings great reward!
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