Some might think this an LBJ. A little brown job. But certainly deserving of more distinction than that.

This, a Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) and a master of camouflage.

A bird that is known for its rich collection of songs. Quite the crooners, males use their songs to identify their territory and to attract females.

Song Sparrows are year round residents in much of their range. In the northern most parts they will migrate south for the winter.

The diet of the Song Sparrow includes a large variety of insects and invertebrates, and many different berries. If you put out a platform feeder close to good cover with sunflower seeds or peanut hearts you’ll probably find Song Sparrows coming to your buffet.

Of the native sparrows in North America the Song Sparrow species is one of the most abundant. But NOT just LBJs.

And, as you can see from my photos, if you’ve got a bird bath that you can put out summer and winter (with a water warmer) they’ll love it.