Like many small songbirds, the Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) goes through two molts per year. One in the autumn, a complete molt. A total replacement of all their feathers, body feathers as well as wing and tail feathers. Male and female, they go from yellow to a dull gray with just the slightest suggestion of yellow. In the autumn molt the male loses his distinctive black forehead.

In the spring, right about now, the spring molt is taking place. Leaving behind the dull color and taking on a yellow. In the case of the male the yellow is the brilliant yellow that we think of with Goldfinches. The female is a softer yellow and those females don’t have the black forehead which is a distinctive characteristic of the male. This spring molt is partial. The wing and tail feathers which came in, new, in the autumn molt are not replaced.
These photographs were taken yesterday, April 3rd. This male Goldfinch is looking a bit disheveled because of the spring molt, but given just a bit of time he will be looking quite handsome.
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