
The Pink Clubhouse. Stellafane Amateur Telescope Makers Convention. A big wonderful Star party. The convention is usually scheduled over the weekend of the new moon closest to the height of the Perseid meteor shower. The first Stellafane Convention was held in 1926 and has been held each year since with the exception of 1949 – 1953 and 2020. It’s located on Breezy Hill in Springfield, Vermont. I’ve been to 18 or 19 of these conventions. So many telescopes, so many meteors, so many good times.


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2 responses to “Stellafane”

  1. thank you for this out reaching note to allow your loyal readers to appreciate the wider realm of lovers of natural philosophy to enjoy our mutual endearments and efforts across the regional divides. Cheer’s to joy of the Perseids’ and the Stellafane Convention.

    • Oh Ken! What a thrill it is to be out in the darkness, in the middle of the night, with so many people who are SO QUIET as they look through telescopes, talking in whispers. Then a bright meteor crosses the sky and the silence is broken as the crowd lets out a cheer. It is pure magic that has to be experienced!

      Thank you so much for reading my posts!