Striped Wintergreen

In bloom right now, in my woods. Such a treat to see. Striped Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata). Small, evergreen plants that grow from rhizomes. With the blooms, the Striped Wintergreen is 6 to 10 inches tall. The plant without its flowers is 3 to 5 inches tall.

Those beautiful evergreen leaves are thick, waxy-looking, a blue-green color which becomes darker as the leaves mature. A distinctive central white vein on the larger leaves give the plant a lovely unmistakeable look.

The blooms seem to be looking down, making me think of old fashioned street lamps, lighting the way for all the woodland fairies.


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2 responses to “Striped Wintergreen”

  1. What a great way to describe them! I also have these growing in the woods right next my driveway. They are beautiful little plants. I’ve read they have quite a few medicinal uses if used correctly.