Summer Resident Has Arrived – Indigo Bunting

I’m delighted! This morning I spotted my first Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) in its brilliant garb. It didn’t look tired in the least, although it has just completed a trip from northern South America. Using the stars in the night sky to navigate.


4 responses to “Summer Resident Has Arrived – Indigo Bunting”

  1. Hi Brenda, was this the blue you were referring to that isn’t actually blue? Can you please explain that part again. Something about light refraction.

  2. Such amazing flora and fauna – no wonder you live where you do. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us.

    • Hi Libby,

      Thanks so much for your very kind comments. I, for sure, love living here and I totally enjoy sharing the world of nature with anyone who will read my ramblings. It’s a pure pleasure.

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!