A few days ago I published a post titled, A Milkweed Plant, about the Fourleaf Milkweed (Asclepias quadrifolia). And now I’ve come upon a couple butterflies enjoying the blooms of this same Fourleaf Milkweed.

These two butterflies are Zebra Swallowtails (Eurytides marcellus). Their host plant is the Pawpaw Tree. Adults feed on the nectar of Redbud, Verbena and, of course, Milkweed.
I love the coloring of the Zebra Swallowtails. Lots of black and white with tiny, beautiful accents of red and blue.
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4 responses to “Swallowtail On Milkweed”
Your photos just get better and better. I love the pictures of the butterflys.
Dianne, It is so WONDERFUL to hear from you. And with such a sweet comment. Thanks BUNCHES!
Thanks too for reading my posts! I’m really enjoying sharing my photos!
Thank you! Such beautiful milkweed and butterflies! Today, I received 5 milkweed plants I ordered. I excited to get them in the ground and keep my eyes open for butterflies.
Hi Diane, lucky you – putting in new milkweed plants! I’m sure you’re going to have a grand time watching the new plants attract butterflies. WONDERFUL!
Thank you so very much for reading my posts!