Sycamore Tree

Sycamore Tree (Platanus occidentalis). In fall, a speckled symphony of autumnal color.

A tree seeming to have a marble trunk.

A tree that enjoys a riparian life. Streams become easy to spot. Marbled trunks meandering through the woods following the stream.

A bark that drops off in patches. Patches that might be perfect for writing a letter if one were to have no paper. Write your note, add a stamp and drop it in the mailbox.

Seeds in balls. Appear in November. Dropping to the ground in late spring.

A leaf of the Sycamore tree. One speck, part of a symphony of autumnal color.

2 responses to “Sycamore Tree”

    • Hi Gary, I do indeed think that WOULD work. A Forever stamp on an appropriately sized piece of bark, although that is giving the post office a lot of credit that they would come through and deliver it. Bill has a piece of wood, a 2×4, that was sent to the Federal Reserve through the mail. But then, that was a long time ago. Who knows these days!

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