Another Milkweed
This is Fourleaf Milkweed (Asclepias quadrifolia). The flowers can be white, or a subtle shade of pink or lavender. Monarch butterflies have a single host plant for the survival of their larvae —Milkweed. There are several dozen native species of Milkweed in North American. This Fourleaf Milkweed is native to the eastern US and Canada,…
Swallowtail On Milkweed
A few days ago I published a post titled, A Milkweed Plant, about the Fourleaf Milkweed (Asclepias quadrifolia). And now I’ve come upon a couple butterflies enjoying the blooms of this same Fourleaf Milkweed. These two butterflies are Zebra Swallowtails (Eurytides marcellus). Their host plant is the Pawpaw Tree. Adults feed on the nectar of…
A Milkweed Plant
Blooming now along the trails up here in the woods. Fourleaf Milkweed (Asclepias quadrifolia). Host plant to the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus). This Milkweed is native to the eastern United States and Canada. In this picture you can see how it has gotten a couple of its common names. The Fourleaf Milkweed, with its four leaves…