The Weather Forecast


The weather forecast for tomorrow night (Wednesday night) into Thursday is exciting for me. Prospects of beautiful ice.

Purple Coneflower

I had a dentist appointment scheduled for Thursday, but given the risk of driving up here where it’s bound to be even more icy than down in the lowlands, I’ve rescheduled that appointment. And besides I’ll need all that time for roaming with my camera.

Flowering Dogwood

The only thing better than ice is pristine snow. The perfect decoration for the black and white landscape of winter.

Multiflora Rosa

Nature at its most beautiful. Me and my camera thoroughly enjoy capturing it in pixels.

4 responses to “The Weather Forecast”

  1. Hi Merry Mary!

    “Wintery mix” is what they were saying last night. I would have been quite happy with that. Our first real WINTER weather! Now they’re saying, “sleet, freezing rain, ice!”

    That dentist appointment? No big deal to miss it. This WEATHER is IMPORTANT stuff!

    Thanks for reading my posts.
