It happened today. They all arrived. The Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum). All the family. All the friends and neighbors. They’re quite affable and bring along everyone. Often birds of other species too such as the American Robin (Turdus migratorius), will arrive in equal numbers, creating quite the crowd.

Both the Cedar Waxwings and the Robins follow news of what is ripening in what fields. This particular rush to the trees has been precipitated by the ripening of Eastern Red Cedar berries. These berries are loved by the Cedar Waxwings, Robins, as well as various Woodpeckers, and many other species of birds.
2 responses to “They All Descended Upon The Eastern Red Cedars”
Hi Bren,
I look forward to Tendrils every day. I’m sending my sister’s name and email as she would like to receive it, too.
Dear Joanne and Sandy,
Sorry this has taken so long. I’m hoping that I’ve now gotten you, Joanne, into the system!
I’ve got my fingers crossed!
Sending hugs your way – to both of you!