Toad Lily



Toad lily, Tricyrtis ‘Tojen’

The family of flowers that this hybrid cultivar is from – Tricyrtis – has 18 species. Some of the species are cultivated for their beauty. Looking on the web, at the variety of those cultivars, I think of orchids growing in the garden. They are that beautiful. My cultivars are mundane in comparison to some of the spotted lovelies.


The family, Tricyrtis, is from the area of the Himalayas, China, Japan, the Philippines and Formosa. Seeming to be quite at home here in my garden, they thrive in a moist soil and dappled shade. They are even tolerant of what my winter weather throws its way. Going into a winter sleep, just waiting for spring.

They are blooming right now, in this blustery weather. Tough, but gorgeous flowers. I’m looking forward to their resurrection from their winter beds, as spring comes. Looking forward to showing them even more appreciation, now that I am armed with more knowledge about them.


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