Two Wren Nests At The Moment

There are two active Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) nests here at the cabin right now. One at the front door, in an actual, small, bird house. The other at the back door, in a typical Carolina Wren habit, built in a basket that is hanging from the ceiling of the porch. They are quite creative in what they use for their nests. A few summers ago a nest was built on my front porch in a graniteware coffee pot, also hanging from the porch ceiling.

They don’t migrate, living in the eastern US, the southernmost part of Ontario, Canada, and the very northeast of Mexico. Here in Virginia they raise two broods, but in the deep south they may raise three broods.

Only male Carolina Wrens sing, although females will sometimes provide backup with a male, adding a bit of chattering or a trill.

They are particularly evident in song when I’m out and in their territory. It sounds as though I’m being scolded for invading their space, which I find entertaining. Stand up for yourself, little one!


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