Up Here

Many of the colorful leaves are covering the ground now, providing a place for overwintering animals to snuggle down, to survive through the cold of the jacket and mitten season.

Not all leaves are down though. There are still brilliant hues out there cheering the mountains. Here a Red Maple (Acer rubrum) greets the few people that manage to come up this far.

Still not the time of year that pleases me most, when the woods are a black and white ink drawing.


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2 responses to “Up Here”

    • Hi Bruce,

      I sure appreciate your question! The fire that is closest to me, which is one county north, Madison County, has spread to 3900 acres, as reported on the TV tonight, and is said to be 41% contained. They’ve had quite a challenge containing it, but the fire fighters seem to be making progress thank goodness.

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!