The cabin was built 30 years ago. Back in the day when I had very little concept of native plants. It was then that I planted it. And now I am thinking, “WHAT HAVE I DONE!?”

There is a large hillside behind the cabin. Due to construction of the cabin there was absolutely nothing growing on it back then. “What to do, what to do?” thought the uninformed city person, yours truly. Then I thought of the perfect plan. Plant Periwinkle (Vinca minor).

Yes, it is a gorgeous color. Yes, it did cover that back hill very quickly. And more. But now I know. When considering what plant to put in, GO NATIVE. And certainly DON’T choose a non-native plant that is extremely aggressive. Another word I’ve seen for it, vigorous. Yes, it is definitely that too. It’s native to Europe and western Asia. The benefit of using natives? Native plants provide shelter and food for wildlife and support pollinators. That wildlife, those pollinators, need natives, often will only go to those natives. For an alternative, next time I’ve got a bare hillside to put in plants I’ll go with native Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum). Or for sure something that is native to the Blue Ridge. Lesson learned.
3 responses to “What Have I Done?”
I have some growing beside my house. It’s terrible to dig up. I think I’ll try a square foot a day…
Yes, I must confess… mistakes have been made! Among them… VINCA! Just gotta keep pecking away…
Dear Anne, so many many things to do! Including correcting my mistakes! Hahaha! One of these days, maybe, I’ll get it all done. Not certain about that though!
Thanks bunches for reading my posts!