Winter Residents

They’ve been here a couple weeks now. Some of the winter residents. They’re thoroughly enjoying the seeds and suet that I’m putting out for them. White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis).

Come spring, they’ll be heading north again, to Canada and New England.


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2 responses to “Winter Residents”

  1. Brenda
    I have used this lovely photograph for a painting. I am attempting pastels. Never done a bird before. But thanks for the inspiration..

    • Hi Bonny!

      What marvelous news to hear that you are into art! Though I’ve worked in oil and acrylic paints over the years it wasn’t until a friend taught classes in pastels a few years ago, that I really became acquainted with them. And I totally LOVE working in pastels!

      Thanks so much for reading my ramblings and looking at my photos!

      Happy 1st of December!