Yesterday at yoga I noticed something high up on the wall, near the ceiling. It looked like a bit of a smudge. I wondered how it got there, but didn’t give it another thought. Today that smudge turned into a moth. A yoga moth, or in the real world, a Dot-Lined White Moth (Artace cribrarius).
Thanks to my teacher’s gentle action, the moth was quickly released to the outside world where it will feel more at home. And speaking of home, they’re native from northern Argentina to the Caribbean into the United States. In the US they’re found in a broad swath of the South and the Mid-Atlantic states. Their host plants are Oaks (Quercus), Cherry (Prunus) and Rose (Rosa).
I wish I had a photograph of the caterpillar to show you as well. The adult moth looks like a fuzzy, stuffed toy of a moth. The caterpillar looks the same way, in a Lhasa Apso sort of way.
Yoga, and another new moth for me.
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